Healthy Skin,
Healthy Planet
Here at Geologie we’re dedicated to the health and well-being of our customers and the health and well-being of the planet too.
With a name like Geologie we better be, right?
Here’s how we’re doing it.
A Planet-Friendly
Supply Chain
We only work with suppliers that are committed to sustainability.
From the ingredients in our formulas and the paper and plastics in our packaging to the manufacturing processes and freight providers who deliver them, we vet our partners to ensure their practices align with our goals.
Recycle it!
More than half of our products are packaged in tubes, so we work with the only global supplier of 100% recyclable tubes to ensure that every one of them can be disposed of responsibly after use.
Just snip the end, rinse it out and follow your local recycling guidelines.
And that’s not it - we’re working across our entire packaging supply chain to implement 100% recyclable packaging by 2025.
Power of the Pouch
In 2022 we launched our first refillable bottle and pouch system for our body washes.
These pouches each use 84% less plastic than traditional bottles, and each of our body wash refills can refill a single bottle twice. And our entire hair care line is packaged 100% in these pouches too- no bottles, no paper, nothing but pouch!

Maintaining a Low Carbon Footprint
We’re committed to maintaining a low carbon footprint and we do this by sourcing over 90% of our packaging from North America, producing every single formula in the USA, working with carbon-neutral suppliers and using lightweight packaging types for every product.
Clean, Sustainable,
Vegan and Ethically Sourced
We’re committed to using clean, sustainable, vegan, and ethically sourced ingredients. All of our products are vegan and cruelty free, sustainably sourced and exceed the strict EU standards for beauty and cosmetic products.