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Ask Geologie: How Long Until I Start Seeing Results?

In this post you’ll learn why Geologie is a sprint and a marathon.

  1. Why and how you’ll see immediate benefit after starting Geologie
  2. Long-term benefits take longer to kick in, but patience is king (or queen).

Q: How long do results take?

You’ll see results right away — boom (that was a microphone drop, btw). We think it's important to manage expectations around what effect you’ll see and the timeline, that's why we say with full confidence that you'll see benefits immediately after starting your Geologie regimen.

How immediate is “immediate”? Right away, on day one, the cleanser in the face wash and the moisturizer in the morning cream are going to help your skin. The hyaluronic acid will moisturize and improve the barrier function, and the salicylic acid will get rid of gunk, oil and bacteria. Compliments from your significant other or colleagues might not occur on day one, but they will soon.

skincare results

Skincare is like quitting smoking — hear us out!

A fitting analogy to think about when starting skincare is quitting cigarettes: The day someone quits, their body performs better — heart rate gets better, the respiratory system is more efficient, and strangers stop bumming you for smokes. In three months, other health benefits emerge: lungs change and function improves (and fingers are no longer yellow, too.) In five years, the increased risk of heart attack and stroke is nearly negated. In 10 years, it's as if cigarette smoke has never visited the lungs and the idea of smoke rings seems kind of silly.

The long haul pays off — big time

There's a similar long-term pathway to benefits with skincare. As for the anti-acne and oil-fighting retinoid in the night cream, in two to three months your skin will adjust. On a six-month and longer timeline, with consistent use of sunscreen in the morning cream you’ll start noticing prevention of photodamage — premature aging that occurs over long periods of time due to exposure to harmful UV rays. And with ingredients like niacinamide, hyaluronic acid and kojic acid, you'll see reduction of wrinkles and the normalization of skin tone. If consistently applied you’ll see benefits for five years, 10 years and longer. All that good stuff happens when you’re committed to the program.

how long do skincare results take

More knowledge for your noggin

To help set your expectations we’ve outlined what you can anticipate in the first three weeks.

In addition, we’ve got a bunch of ingredient guides. Check them out so you can understand the workings of retinol, kojic acid, hyaluronic acid, and salicylic acid.

And if you have any questions about getting started with a skincare routine that’s effective and easy, hit us up anytime.

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